Drop Out

 Preventive practices and integration in the workplace for young people with academic difficulties

About the Drop'Out project

Drop'Out project

The project aims to prevent inequality and discrimination. It aims to develop the conditions for success for young adults and enable them to evolve in society both in terms of education and the professional environment. DROP’OUT aims to promote innovative and digital teaching methods and the development of of new training programs that anticipate school dropout and prepare young people for the world of work. It is above all a societal project. 

The context

The idea of the project came after the realisation of the growth of youth unemployment in Europe: 

  • educational difficulties experienced by young people are an obstacle to productivity and competitiveness 
  • favors precariousness; social exclusion (phenomenon + important in Western countries). 

The project aims

To offer young people who might drop out of school a chance to reintegrate into social and work life and to help them regain their confidence and self-assurance. 

To engage them to avoid dropping out while exploiting their interest in digital tools 

To prevent inequality and discrimination. To develop the conditions for success for young adults and enable them to evolve in society both in terms of education and the professional environment. 

To promote innovative and digital teaching methods and the development of new training courses that anticipate school drop-out and prepare young people for the world of work.

Target groups

Socio-educational staff (social workers in general) 

Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are out of school, out of society, and most often out of work; 

Parents: focus on the role of family practices: setting up educational alliances between parents, school and community in the perspective of the fight against school dropout. 

To propose this European framework to training centers and institutions in charge of social policies. 

Activities Implemented

A guide


Elaboration of a guide on «prevention and repair practices» for school dropouts. 

Training methods

Production of innovative training methods based in part on technical skills from the educational sphere. 

A platform

Development of a platform to train educational teams and provide assistance to young people. 

A pedagogical kit

Design of a pedagogical kit and of a resource center to valorize the results. 


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The project's partners

 Drop’Out project is 5 partners from 4 EU countries: 

Etudes et Chantiers, France
IASIS, Greece
Institut Regional d’Insertion Professionnelle et Sociale, France
Associazione Gio.Net, Italy
YAKACIK Vocational and Technical High School, Turkey

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